Things to Know About Invisalign Clear Braces

Invisalign is a form of treatment that straightens your teeth without the need for metal braces. Custom-made Invisalign clear braces cover your teeth, gently pulling them into position over a period of time. Because they're clear and you can take them on and off, they aren't as noticeable as metal braces. Here are a few things you should know if you've ever considered, or want to know more about, Invisalign.

Who are Invisalign clear braces for?

Invisalign isn't limited to teenagers, as adults can wear them as well. The clear braces close gaps between your teeth, as well as treat overcrowded teeth and underbite, overbite, crossbite, and open bite. Once your teeth have been examined and x-rayed, you can discuss with your dentist whether or not it's the right treatment for you.

How long does the treatment take?

Invisalign treatment can take a year or more, although how long it will take for any individual varies, as it's based on age and specific needs. Once your teeth have been examined and the digital images have been taken, you'll be given an estimate for your treatment time.

How do Invisalign clear braces work?

Among the best reasons to invest in Invisalign clear braces is how comfortable they are. As your teeth are changing position, there will be a certain degree of discomfort as they move, particularly with your first set of aligners. However, the pressure your teeth will feel when you first start wearing the aligners will fade over the course of a few days. If you experience any significant pain or discomfort, call your dentist and they'll schedule an appointment with you.

How much does Invisalign cost?

The cost depends on how severely your teeth are misaligned and the length of time it will take to reposition them. Once your teeth have been examined and your dentist has the 3D model and x-rays, they'll be able to offer you details of your treatment plan, along with the cost.

What happens once the treatment is over?

Once your Invisalign treatment has been completed, your dentist might recommend you wear a retainer, which is designed to maintain alignment. Without a retainer, your teeth could gradually go out of alignment again. If they begin to shift, you may be required to wear temporary aligners. Your dentist will be able to work out which retainer type will be the right one for you.

Contact a local provider to learn more about Invisalign.

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