What Should You Expect When You Undergo Dental Implant Surgery?

Unlike decades past when the only tooth replacement therapy available was dentures, you currently have two other options to choose from. The first is dental bridges and the second is dental implants. Even though dental bridges are more affordable than their implant counterparts are, you should know that the latter offers you advantages such as a natural appearance and permanence. Hence, dental implants are unquestionably the superior solution.

Nonetheless, if you have never had a dental implant installed before, you could be wondering if you will have any regrets down the road. To dispel any fears you may have, this article provides you with a guide on what you should expect when you undergo dental implant surgery.

Is the procedure painful?

Naturally, the leading concern that patients have regarding dental implants is whether they will be under a considerable amount of pain. The first thing that you should know is that since it is considered major surgery, your dentist will administer anaesthesia. The type of anaesthesia administered is ultimately up to you. Usually, localised anaesthetic is what is administered since it is only your jaw that needs to be numbed.

However, if you have severe dental anxiety, you could consult with your dentist if general anaesthesia will be the best option for you. After the surgery, you will begin to feel a degree of discomfort after several hours. This discomfort is typically accompanied by swelling and some bleeding.

Your dentist will have prescribed pain killers so this should keep you comfortable for several days as the surgical site heals. You should be cognizant of the fact that a blood clot should form after a day. This clot mitigates bleeding while facilitating healing so it should never be disturbed.

Are there dietary restrictions to adhere to?

Once the prosthetic tooth has been implanted into your jaw, your dentist will instruct you to alter your diet for a couple of weeks so that there is no risk of harm to the surgical site that would lead to the implant not taking. Usually, this means steering clear from all hard and crunchy foods such as popcorn, apples, nuts and so on. Moreover, you will also have to avoid foods that could easily get trapped in the surgical site such as grains, rice, seeds and more.

To be on the safe side, you should steer clear of any chewing and instead stick to foods with a soft consistency such as soups, pureed fruits, mashed potatoes, puddings, etcetera. Take note, alcoholic drinks are out of the question as alcohol impedes your body's natural capacity to fend off infections.

Contact a local dental surgeon to learn more about dental implants.

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